

We shape our world

He Hōaka is a project to restore healthier tikanga and mātauranga—Moana Jackson would call this re-Māorification.

Colonisation is an oppressive relationship.  It attacks Indigenous ways of being and knowing, and replaces them with the colonisers’ laws and belief systems.  Colonisation undermines tikanga and mātauranga Māori, and brought in hierarchical systems like capitalism, patriarchy and white supremacy.

But together we can shape our own worlds, continuing the work of our tūpuna. He hōaka tātou.

We can roll back the damage of colonisation and shape the world we want by prioritising relationships based on our values.  Whakapapa and manaakitanga are a great place to start.



He Ara Mataora

Information and tools for ending violence ourselves, without relying on police and courts, social workers or agencies.

more soon