
Justice and violence

What is our vision to end both interpersonal violence and structural violence, like colonisation and the state’s criminal legal system?

2022 ‘Ngā mahi o Rarohenga: organising well means organising to end violence’ (journal article), Counterfutures 12

He Ara Mataora: tools to stop violence

2010 ‘Justice without the State’ (zine article), Radicle

2008 ‘Why is it so hard to support survivors of abuse?’ (journal article), Imminent Rebellion 9

Coming soon: ‘What are we learning from Te Kawa o te Ako about eliminating violence’ (journal article), Whakatupu Mātauranga 2

Gender and sexuality

If whakapapa is how we understand our place in the world, how have gender and sexuality become so important, and is it healthy?

2023 ‘He takatāpui, he queer, he mokopuna rānei’ (book chapter), Honouring Our Ancestors:Takatāpui, Two-Spirit and Indigenous LGBTQI-plus Wellbeing

2016 ‘He pūrākau, he pūmahara: telling our stories, teaching our children’ (journal article), Whakatupu Mātauranga, 2016

2013 ‘It’s about whānau: oppression, sexuality, and mana’ (presentation), Kei Tua o te Pae proceedings

2012 ‘Ahunga Tikanga and sexual diversity’ (journal article), Ahunga Tikanga

Coming soon: ‘Our tūpuna dreamed the future for all of us: gender, sexuality and creation stories’ (journal article), Whakatupu Mātauranga 2

Children and the state

What happens when the state makes decisions about children?

May 2024 ‘Not One More Child’ (online article), E-Tangata

2022 Korihi te Manu: Stories of Whāngai and Adoption (book) from the Whāngai and Adoption of Māori project team

Feb 2022 ‘Cast adrift: my story of adoption’ (online article), E-Tangata

Nov 2016 ‘Racial justice meets the child welfare system: why Hands Off Our Tamariki is a movement for change’ (online article), The Spinoff Parents

Other recent writing

Oct 2023 ‘The slow path to mātauranga’ (online article), E-Tangata

Feb 2023 ‘There’s a fine line between appropriation and respect’ (online article), E-Tangata

Nov 2021 ‘When it all feels unstoppable’ (online article), E-Tangata

2018 ‘E kore au e ngaro, he kākano i ruia mai i Rangiātea: Te Wānanga o Raukawa as an example of educating for Indigenous futures’ (book chapter), Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education

2015 ‘Mātauranga Māori, tino rangatiratanga and the future of New Zealand science’ (journal article), Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 45(2)

Original He Hōaka archive (blog)